webCARES Digital Certificates

NEW - 2025 OATI webCARES Client & Server Issuing Certificates

On March 04, 2025, OATI webCARES will begin issuing certificates from two new issuers (webCARES Server Issuing CA 2025 and webCARES Client Issuing CA 2025).

After this transition, all server certificates will be issued from the new 2025 server issuer, while all client (end user) certificates will be issued from the new 2025 client issuer. The current 2021 issuer will no longer be used for issuing certificates after this date.

More details on this change can be found here. The complete 2025 client and server certificate issuing chains, as well as the individual 2025 client and server issuing certificates can be downloaded from the links at the bottom in the download section.

If you have any questions about this change, please contact the OATI Help Desk via chat through the OATI Hub, e-mail at support@oati.net, or phone at 763-201-2020. Commonly asked questions can be found in the FAQ.

webCARES (web-based Certificate Administration, Renewal, and Enrollment Service) Certificate Authority provides digital certificates (Id’s) to organizations interested in protecting their electronic communications and data transfers from alterations (data integrity) and imposters (data repudiation). In addition, using an OATI webCARES digital certificate ensures that data being transferred is securely encrypted (data privacy) for safe transport over public communication circuits, such as email systems, extranets and the Internet.

The unbelievably simple, straight forward webCARES web service interface allows an organization’s designated Security Officer (SO) to easily issue new digital certificates to their organization’s personnel, renew digital certificates before they expire, revoke digital certificates when appropriate, and track the history of any digital certificate within their organization using the webCARES audit features.

All webCARES Certification Authority digital certificates are X509 V3 compatible and conform to the CA/Browser Forum’s Baseline Requirements Certificate Policy for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates. They are relied upon by 90% of the energy companies across the United States and Canada for SSL/TLS client authentication, web server authentication, e-mail encryption/digital signing and single sign-on applications. No other digital certification authority is more aligned to the needs of the energy industry.

If you are an employee or agent of a business or organization please download, complete, and mail to OATI the webCARES Business Representative Application Form*.

Please e-mail OATI Support for quantity digital certificate pricing details, information regarding using the OATI webCARES Certificate Authority, or any other questions you may have.

OATI webCARES Digital Certificates are all you need to register in webRegistry (NAESB EIR)

OATI webCARES has been certified by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) as an Authorized Certificate Authority (ACA) in webRegistry (NAESB EIR).

If you already have a OATI webCARES Digital Certificate, this is all you need to register and perform any action in webRegistry, and new or additional certificates are not needed.

If you are new to digital certificates, welcome! There is no better, more secure digital certificate provider than OATI webCARES! OATI webCARES has been the premier, trusted digital certificate in the Electric Industry for the last decade. OATI webCARES is proud of its history of security and usability and will continue to reward your trust in the next decade and beyond. Please contact support@oati.net or call OATI at (763) 201-2020 to request your digital certificates today. 

webCARES Certification Authority Documentation

The OATI Certification Practice Statement (CPS) provides detailed information about the OATI webCARES system and the practices and procedures OATI utilizes to secure and manage its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). OATI strongly recommends that anyone using or relying on an OATI digital certificate review the CPS thoroughly.